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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Shadows of You by Catherine Cowles

Roan and Aspen are absolute magic! Catherine Cowles’ world, characters and stories continuously get richer and richer with each new romance. Cowles’ writing is superb, immediately drawing the reader into the intriguing world laid before us. Her characters are bold and beautiful, full of emotions and conflict, making them interesting, unique and perfect for each other. I fall more and more in love with Catherine Cowles works with each new beautiful installment. I know I am safe in her care, and even though I will go on an emotional ride with her characters I will always find gratification at the end.

Shadow of You is the fourth installment of the Lost and Found series, and I am constantly blown away with each book. Cowles makes having a favorite couple and story really hard because each book is so well crafted and heartfelt and the characters are so thoughtfully drawn. I loved this book. I loved this romantic couple. I loved seeing the family and friend support that surrounds them. I love that at the end of this book (and all the others in this series) I am compelled to restart the series and because I want to continue to live in this world longer. I love that Cowles makes characters and family that feel like my friends when I am engrossed in this world.

Roan and Aspen are such a wonderful and well balanced couple. They are both use to living independently but as soon as they meet the other, there is a draw together because their souls recognize it’s perfect match. Cowles carefully grows their love story and illustrates the building of their trust so beautifully through every day interactions. I love that Cady, Aspen’s daughter, sees Roan as a man who just needs a little love and gentle care. Watching Cady bring Roan out of his shell is so delightful and creates a strong and unique bond between the two. Roan and Aspen also show each other in various ways that they trust each other and the others full value. I love they they both always have the other’s well being at the forefront. I love they way they stick up for the other. I love watching them fall in love and build a family!

You absolutely must pick up this novel and this series. Catherine Cowles is definitely a must read author for me, I love and find comfort in all her works and am always craving her next new release. Do yourself a favor and pick up one of her novels today, you will not be disappointed!

Thank you to Catherine Cowles for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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