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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Absolution by Michele Lenard

Michele Lenard is such a wonderful addition to the indie contemporary romance community. With each novel I have read from her I have been able to see her writing grow and her technique become more refined, her characters-clearer, and her plotting-balanced and well paced. Absolution is the five book in her most recent Elevation series and it is a delightful, fairly low angst, opposites attract romance. Lenard’s writing is easily accessible, her tone is familiar and comforting and this novel has a gentle pacing that works really well for the story it is telling. The characters in this novel feel fully realized and their emotions and situations are relatable. This novel while centralized on the many couple still has some wonderful side character (featuring many past series characters) which help to flesh out this small town and provide support to the main hero and heroine. This novel was a really lovely way to spend an afternoon, it was a sweet and easy read featuring two people who learn that first impressions are not always what they seem and the best way to judge someone.

This novel at its core is about two people who misjudge the other, learning to understand each other, provide support for the other and a safe place to land. This novel has many lovely and sweet moments of growth, as the hero is learning to live his life after his brother’s death (this is a death that does not occur on page but is talked about). Lenard does a really lovely job building tension between our hero and heroine right from their first meeting. They are both attracted to the other but they chose to draw conclusions based off first impressions. Because of this there is a nice level of banter between the two as they test each other. I really adore that the hero calls her Frosty because she comes across as an Ice Princess to him. Lenard is able to slowly have our heroine learn more about the hero so she is able to see him in a new light and it is in these moments that the hero is able to slowly start to come back to his true essence. I really loved that our hero is a snowboarder and his skills provide him with the opportunity to teach some of the side characters and mainly a young boy who lost one of his legs in a car accident. It is through this the hero starts to heal and the heroine is able to see the strength and love the hero holds for this sport. While this novel is a slow burn, we do get some really delicious and sensual moments between the hero and heroine which really help to illustrate the growth they are going through and the new level of trust and understanding they are building.

I think if you love a small town romance you will enjoy this book and this series. I think if you love an opposites attract then you should pick this book up. I think if you love a wintery set romance then you will find a charming winter read between these pages. Absolution can be read as a stand-alone and will definitely introduce you to some couples you will want to know more about. I definitely recommend Michele Lenard and have really enjoyed all of the books I have read from her and would highly encourage you to check, either this, or, one of her other novels out.

Thank you to Michele Lenard for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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