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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Lady in Disguise by Wendy Vella

Book Review

I found this book to be fun and lighthearted! Wendy Vella’s writing is comfortable, engaging and extremely accessible. Vella had crafted some charming characters to embody this series that is currently focusing on three sisters who have had to take their own survival into their own hands.

This is a second chance romance between the eldest sister-Olivia and her childhood friend Will who left without any explanation years ago after they shared their first kiss. Olivia is such a strong and smart heroine, she will do anything to protect her sisters and she has a hard time asking or excepting help. Will has returned after he has had a chance to grow and find his own footing in the world. As the second son he is not the heir to the title so in his youth he was a bit too carefree. But Will has now returned home with a better grasp on the world and he has been able to build his own success.

Wendy Vella has woven together some funny moments amongst ones that also hold a nice depth and growth of characters. Olivia and her sisters have resorted to disguise themselves as highwaymen in order to gain a little coin to support their small household, and their first target is Will. This moments of highway robbery have a lovely charm to them and their last robbery has delightful laugh out loud moments.

I think that Vella has done a lovely job of creating a sweet romance with a lovely level of steam, as well as , creating situations and moments for both the hero and heroine to grow. Olivia must learn how to except help and be willing to share her burden and Will must learn how to forgive himself for the mistakes of his past. I loved watching their journey together and how Will was unfailing in his pursuit of Olivia and showing her his feelings through actions (before he even understands them himself). I was charmed how Olivia I’m her innocence would use kisses to distract Will when he was asking too many questions.

I would definitely recommend this novel if you are looking for a charming historical romance series to start. Wendy Vella’s writing as a very comforting feel to it, her tone is light and charming and her characters are realistic and I am so looking forward to continuing on in this world.

“Only a strong woman could have done what you did, love, and no matter how I feel about the choices you’ve made, I cannot blame you for them. You did what you thought was necessary to keep your family safe.”

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