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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Rancher's Pride by Bonnie Poirier

Book Review

Rancher's Pride is my first foray into Bonnie Poirier work and I was gracefully swept away into her story full of emotions, uncertainties and trust. Poirier's tone is gentle and caring as everyday life unfolds for our characters. Poirier beautifully builds tension and easily shows the chemistry that already exists between Nash and Fallon. This novel packs a punch on the emotional scale while handling topics like postpartum depression, secret paternity, and domestic violence with the care and knowledge it deserves. This second chance, secret child romance blossoms before the readers eyes and will easily keep engaged and rooting for this sole mate couple.

This novel begins by giving us a glance into the strength of Nash and Fallon's feels and then dives right into the meat and heart of the novel with a pregnant Fallon leaving her abusive husband with her daughter. When she arrives to safety back home the romance truly sparkles with deep feelings, revealed secrets and a hero who takes everything in stride. This rediscovery is a beautiful building blocks to new trust and hopes, and these two balance the other with such grace. I adored watching Nash fall in love with his daughters and become the support system all of his girls needed. I loved that his morals gave him and Fallon the opportunity to fall back in love and nurture their understanding of the other. Poirier softly builds the tension throughout giving the suspense a light and realistic touch amongst the every day nature of this love story.

Rancher's Pride was a delightful and romantic introduction to Bonnie Poirier and it has left me intrigued with the continuation of this series as well as further exploration of Poirier's work. This novel is sure to charm any reader who loves a strong hero that will do anything for his family and the respect he shows his partner.

Thank you so much to Grey's Promotions for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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