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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

The Beast and the Bookseller by Eva Devon

The Beast and the Bookseller is a delightful start to Eva Devon's new series-Once Upon a Wallflower. Devon's writing is charming, her pacing is well balanced, and her characters are interesting and well rounded. This quick read takes light inspiration from Beauty and the Beast and is a soft and sweet romance that has the feeling of a fairytale.

This novel is definitely the exploration of class difference and how two people from different worlds can find a common ground and respect for each other. These two may seem different at first glance but through interactions and conversation these two are able to build a friendship built on respect and common interest. I love that our hero's gruff exterior and demeanor does not scare away our heroine who is a smart and independent romantic. Their love of books and reading is the perfect foundation for them to set up their own private book club that gives them the freedom to get to know each other. They learn to understand and respect each other, and throughout the third act we see how this trust is able to pull them through to their happily ever after.

If you are looking for a quick historical romance that has a touch of whimsy, than look no further than this novel from Eva Devon. It is definitely worth the read and I am looking forward to the next installment in this series.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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