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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

A Highlander for Hannah by Mary Warren

Humor, lightness and sensuality are the driving force for this debut novel from Mary Warren. Warren's writing is easily accessible, gently plotted and laid out, sprinkled with high sensuality, fantastic body representation and a romance that will leave you with a smile on your face. Warren's characters feel well rounded as we get this slice of life story of two people growing together while discovering what they want out of life. This is a solid debut that was a highly enjoyable read and I am so looking forward to watching Warren's writing grow!

Hannah has just quit her job and dumped her boyfriend and find herself at a cross road in life, unsure of exactly the next career steps to take but aware at she wants a partner her will help and support her the way she deserves. While at a Renaissance Fair she is gifted a love spell, and on a whim she decides to perform it. The next morning she wakes up and the loft in her parent's country estate horse barn in occupied by a 16th Century Highlander, who has no idea how he got there. After discovering that he can not be sent back to his real time for six months, these two decide to make the best of things and Graham begins to learn more about the time he is living in while trying to keep his temptation for Hannah under control.

This fish out of water story is imbued with humor and heart, and I loved watching these two learn to work together, teach each other and softly fall in love. This novel is well paced as we get glimpses of these two growing together. I love that Hannah is a strong and independent woman how knows how to stand up for herself, I love that she is able to show Graham the women have agency in this time and he learns how to grown, understand and trust that Hannah knows what is best for herself. I love that Graham is open minded, and while things might be different then he is use to, he learns to take a moment and process things through new context and understanding. I love that Hannah is comfortable in her body, knows her worth is not linked to a scale number, and is not afraid to show off her curves! I love that Graham is instantly attracted to Hannah, he thinks she is stunning and his attraction grow as he gets to know her as a person. This novel is perfectly steamy and Warren uses the physical side of their relationship to show they have both come to trust and respect each other. Graham is the perfect hero, always checking in with Hannah to make sure they are both on the same page and he always wants to make sure she finds her pleasure in each experience they have.

I definitely recommend this time-travel romance, between two people who become the perfect partners. Warren's debut is not to be missed! This body positive romance is perfect for people who love to see a strong and independent heroine who knows her value and loves herself for who she is and the man who sees her, respects her and finds her absolutely stunning.

Thank you so much to Mary Warren for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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