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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Fractured Sky by Catherine Cowles

I have absolutely fallen in love with Catherine Cowles and her characters in the Tattered and Torn series. This romance has been a long awaited one from the beginning and it was well worth the wait. Catherine Cowles' writing is accessible, caring and understanding as she explores the inner workings of her characters. This novel is emotional, romantic, endearing and heart warming. Cowles' characters and rich and raw. Each installment of this series is beautiful in its own way and I think best read in order to truly understand and get the emotional build up that each couple is going through and how they interact with each other.

Shiloh was kidnapped as a child and spend days trapped until she was finally rescued and returned to her family. But the emotional toll this took not only on her but her family has drastically changed their dynamics and how they react around each other. Their journey of healing is one that must be taken slowly and carefully and it has been gently explored through out the previous novels. Now it is Shiloh's turn to continue to understand herself and how she wants to be in the world around her. Ramsey exudes a grumpy demeanor but he is the only person that Shiloh has felt truly comfortable around for years. Ramsey and Shiloh both have pasts that have made them raw and damaged but perhaps together they will discover the path they must take to heal.

I love Shiloh and Ramsey together. I love that these two people who have been through so much are able to take their understanding of the world and provide healing for horses who have also had troubled pasts. I love the stripped down level of human and animal that this creates in their understanding of trust and growth. I also really love the inclusion of the two boys that Ramsey see's himself in. I love that Ramsey's heart is so open and pure and wants to protect those who need it. I love that Ramsey and Shiloh not only help each other, but they help those boys and those boys in return help them. I love that this is a story of healing and how healing and openness is a journey of the heart between multiple people. I love that this is a story of support and care. I love that Shiloh and Ramsey take their romantic journey at a pace that works for them. I love that this is a sweetly sensual romance. I love that Shiloh and Ramsey trust and understand each other on a base level first before they decide to take action on their attraction. I basically love everything that Shiloh and Ramsey are in themselves and with each other.

Catherine Cowles is a must read author in my opinion. She does a wonderful job creating a small town romance with the inner weaving elements of suspense. The Tattered and Torn series is a beautiful exploration of how one moment can change the trajectory of many lives. It is a series about family, it is a series about healing, it is a series about listening and learning. Definitely pick up this series (in order) and Catherine Cowles, you will definitely not be disappointed.

Thank you to Social Butterfly PR for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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