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  • Writer's pictureJocelyne Fowler

Over My Brother's Dead Body, Chase Andrews by Piper Rayne

Piper Rayne will charm and delight you with this third installment of the Kingsmen Football Stars. If you love a football romance that features the brother’s best friend trope then this is the book for you! Piper Rayne’s writing is conversational, easy to get hooked into, and blends together humor and heart seamlessly. This contemporary romance is well paced, and centers a romance in which the hero is absolutely smitten with the heroine from the start. If you love Piper Rayne you are sure to enjoy this novel!

I think the true strength of this novel lies with the hero and heroine and they way they build a friendship before taking a next step in their romantic relationship. The heroine is at a crossroads in her life where she is learning her true value and where she wants her life to go. Our hero is content in his life but is being drawn out of his shell by the heroine and learning that maybe he is missing something that he wholeheartedly deserves. The hero is an absolutely teddy bear for the heroine, he is beyond loyal to his friends, and while he might have a gruff shell his center is warm and gooey. The heroine is smart and learning to be bold and go after what she wants. These two are both extremely attracted to the other but they don’t just jump into a physical relationship, instead they build a really lovely friendship in which they learn to rely on each other, help each other out, and trust each other. It is only after this trust and understanding is built that they are able to enter into a physical relationship. Piper Rayne shows that their relationship has a beautiful ease to it that makes them the perfect partner for the other.

If you enjoy a sports romance that heavily centers the romantic relationship and is enhanced by charming secondary characters, you are sure to enjoy this series by Piper Rayne. While it can be read as a stand-alone it is much better read in order as each book builds smoothly into the next. Definitely pick up this series if you are looking for a quick, sensual and romantic series to dig your teeth into!

Thank you to Valentine PR for an eARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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